- 发布于:2023-05-16 15:12:39
- 来源:NBA直播吧
[–]ether_ver256 6 points 5 hours ago
Well fought season. Thank you. Rest up!
[–]Dynasty_30 251 points 6 hours ago
As long as he is on the team next year (which he will be lol), we owe it to him to retool this roster to fit better
Hopefully the FO learned from their mistakes
[–]thejeffphone 158 points 6 hours ago
75% of my sadness about the season being over comes from not getting to watch Steph anymore. Such a fucking legend. Basketball is lucky to have him
[–]cosmicvitae 79 points 6 hours ago
God help me if we have another off-season like last year again
[–]VarsityPlayer 1 point 20 minutes ago
If Poole is still here by training camp, someone will definitely punch him again
[–]hpunlimited 13 points 5 hours ago
As long as Steph plays the game I’ll always be happy to be a Warriors fan. Let’s go Dubs 2024
[–]janitorfan 26 points 5 hours ago
Bye Klay and Poole. Let's go get a ring in 2024.
[–]WhiteStephCurry 29 points 4 hours ago
Klank Thompson man… Can’t believe how bad his shooting was this whole playoffs. Really uncharacteristic
[–]PenceKamala2024 11 points 5 hours ago
Klay needs to learn (or least to have learned) how to drive and get fouled. He can’t rely on getting open threes for such a Large % of his offense
[–]godspeedone 1 point 4 hours ago
Klay should let his game speak for himself, many instances where he spoke too soon
[–]pestosbetter 9 points 5 hours ago
I have no emotion towards the end of the season because of the constant free throws this series. I’m bummed for tonight’s performance I guess
[–]mayorjimmy 2 points 4 hours ago
42 to 14 foul shots. King James my ass.
[–]iExodus1744 2 points an hour ago
But really, who drives on the Warriors aside from Curry? This game everyone was settling for outside shots. Nobody wants to drive with AD in the centre, and they were only really looking to get AD outside when Curry had the ball. Warriors have too many guards with little size
[–]FrazySting 19 points 5 hours ago
The greatest show on Earth. As long as Steph is on the team we are contending
[–]IAmNotKevinDurant_35 10 points 5 hours ago
Win or lose, our lives are better because we get to watch this man play basketball. Truly one of one.
And just remember, he's not done yet
[–]introvertedguy13 7 points 5 hours ago
He's the reason I watched NBA again. He's my GOAT, win or lose.
[–]Des_Eagle 3 points 4 hours ago
Same, what lebron did to the product put me off for damn near 15 years (watched the Bulls’ second three-peat growing up in Chicago then stopped watching after MJ went) before Curry showed up playing the game the rig
[–]tsHavok 10 points 5 hours ago
When one person wants it more than the rest, it's pretty hard to watch when the others let em down. You just know Steph won't blame anyone and he will sleep well tonight, but something in the locker room might not be right
[–]leonxiii 4 points an hour ago
Lebron said to him at the end of the game:" No matter what they say you're one of the greatest ever."
新闻链接>>>>>>勇士官推晒詹姆斯&库里拥抱照:伟大球员之间的崇高敬意 恭喜湖人
[–]dreamyathlete007 4 points 5 hours ago
I've never liked dogs anyway. I'm a cat person. Thank You Steph

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